Top 10 Reasons Why Germany has Fewer Blogs than Iran

10. Humor?

9. Opinionated German bloggers risk being called Na.zis by the irate, deranged and mentally disturbed commenters who lurk in the Blogosphere.

8. People will find out how great Germany is and cause a mass migration of (gasp) foreigners!

7. On the internet, no one cares about someone’s Dipl-X or Dr.

6. Blogging is not required.

5. No one famous has a blog yet. Olli Kahn, Boris Becker, Joschka… It all rides on you.

4. Hartv IV cut back on social benefits for DSL.

3. Der Blog, Die Blog, oder Das Blog?

2. Ein-Euro-Jobs don’t have internet access.

1. No one can figure out the Neue Rechtschreibung.


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3 Kommentare

  1. > Und natürlich heist es ‘Das Blog’

    Siehste, noch ein Punkt über den man im englischsprachigen Raum nicht streiten muss 😉

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